An Informal Talk About Our Dads at MUMA on Saturday 5th September, 2-4PM / by Sanja Pahoki

Image: Catherine Bell, Exist Stage Left 2009



Generational Gestures: contemporary artists and their fathers

Celebrate fathers and creativity at this informal discussion as contemporary artists reflect on their relationships with their fathers, the roles their fathers have played in their work and their fathers' influence on their respective artistic practices.

Saturday 5 September, 2-4pm
FREE event, includes afternoon tea
Booking essential: or ph. 03 9905 4365

The program coincides with the current MUMA exhibition Dominik Lang: Girl with Pigeon, which takes a work of the Czech artist's father Jiří Lang (1927-1996) as the departure point for the installation.

Participating artists: Catherine Bell, Leslie Eastman, Sanja Pahoki, Nikos Pantazopoulos, Spiros Panigirakis and Lisa Radford.

For more information... 

Image: Catherine Bell, Exist Stage Left 2009
still from single-channel video 

Ground Floor, Building F, Monash University
Caulfield Campus
900 Dandenong Road
Caulfield East
+61 3 9905 4365
Tues-Fri 10am-5pm
Sat 12-5pm